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You Are Not Alone Carrying the Mental Load During COVID-19

By April 13, 2020No Comments

We don’t often think about the load we carry unless we are physically carrying something that brings
our attention to how heavy an object or objects are. The reality is, we carry a load every day. The load
being comprised of the tasks we need to do at work and at home, our concerns for our well-being and
the well-being of others as well as thoughts related to finances, relationships, politics and a myriad of
other elements that comprise our lives. For everyone, the load has certainly increased in the last few
weeks with the onset of COVID-19 in Canada and the changes it ushered in. Being aware of our load and
taking it into consideration will help us to take care of ourselves and those around us.


You are Not Alone -Carrying the Mental Load During COVID-19 – The Leadership Circle

A few short and long weeks ago, the world was forced to bow down to a virus – COVID-19. Everything routine has changed. It seems we live in a new universe that calls us to engage from one central location – our homes.


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