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Why you should resist the urge to multitask during Zoom meetings

By August 30, 2021No Comments

Have you fallen victim to back to back online meetings in your company?  Often we don’t have enough time to get our regular work done due to an overabundance of meetings, so the temptation is to multi-task or peek at our emails, fearing that we’ll miss something.  The advice here is to avoid this wherever possible and to be present at your meetings, for everyone’s sake.  However, scheduling a 5 or 10 minute buffer between meetings can allow enough time to answer that urgent email or stretch and quickly run to the bathroom before starting the next meeting.  It’s the little things that can either help or hinder our work day!

Why you should resist the urge to multitask during Zoom meetings

We’ve all heard that multitasking is bad and switching between activities makes it harder to complete them. But let’s be honest-many of us multitask during Zoom meetings, especially as we enter the 10th month of working remotely and our Zoom fatigue has worsened.

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