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“Serious” Leaders Need Self-Care, Too

By May 4, 2022No Comments

Leaders are human too, and they will eventually succumb to an overload of stress, just like their employees, if pushed to the brink for too long.  The old adage about filling your own cup first applies to everyone, including those that are expected to give to others first.  Smart leaders and business owners need to feel worthy of self-care in order to reserve enough energy and optimism to support everyone around them day after day.


“Serious” Leaders Need Self-Care, Too

The benefits of self-care are well known. Yet when I work with my leadership clients, I often get major pushback around the whole idea. Why are many leaders so resistant to taking a bit of time for themselves? It usually boils down to misperceptions around what good leadership is, what self-care is, and how self-care actually works.

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