A recent article in Harvard Business Review tells us to type less and talk more. While it is not a secret that many of us resort to texting or emailing because it often feels easier, our sense of connection to others is created by hearing our colleagues and friends’ voices. Resorting to communication through typing alone may hinder our connections to those around us: “Modern communication media allow us to exchange information with others using text, voice, and audiovisual cues. But because communication also involves maintaining social relationships that are critical for our happiness, health, and the smooth running of a business, reaching out to others requires deciding how best to do so. And in this regard, the value of voice is key.”
Research: Type Less, Talk More
Executive Summary Results from several recent experiments suggest that people may undervalue the positive relational consequences of connecting with another person using one’s voice relative to text alone, leading to a potentially misplaced preference for typing to each other rather than talking.